Saturday, November 5, 2011

A cozy weekend

For a welcome change, we've had some colder, stormy weather this weekend. There's just nothing like sitting down to a nice, warm, home cooked meal on a rainy night, is there? This weekend my husband has some buddies in town, so we've been cooking plenty of italian style dinners (thanks to my favorite italian market!). I had some pasta dough left over from our dinner last night, so I snapped a few pictures rolling out the dough yesterday. Have you ever made pasta dough? Once I finally found a fail-proof recipe using semolina flour (available at many grocery stores or specialty food stores), it was smooth sailing from there. It really is very easy- don't be afraid to give it a try! It can be really fun as a group, one person lowering the dough through as another cranks the roller. All you need is an easy dough recipe and a pasta roller (I was able to find mine for under $20). These make great Christmas presents for someone who loves to cook!
I generally make fettuccine and spaghetti noodles, so this was my first time using a ravioli cutter. I was in a rush and accidentally overstuffed them with the roasted butternut squash/onion mixture as you might notice (oh well!!)
Semolina pasta. (I live in a dry climate so I added a tiny bit more olive oil and use my kitchen aid to mix, finishing with hand-kneading for a few minutes. I roll it pretty thin because it seems to cook up thicker for me. It's never let me down!)

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